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My children have been students of this amazing club for a few years now. I can honestly say i do not know what we did with our time before joining. They have learnt so many life skills since going and have achieved so much under the expertise and guidance of the very experienced Master J Robertson and his senior students. We were made to feel welcome from day one and it really is like a second home. A word often used within the club is "family". I am proud of all the students and their commitment to learning and helping one another.
My children lacked confidence and were shy before, but coming to the club has really brought them out of their shell. They have made lots of friends and socialise outside of the club also.
Lots of hours of hard work pays off. It has provided them with the social skills, discipline, respect and focus which is needed in life and we can't thank this club enough
Too many kids sat in front of TV, computers, hanging around street corners - get fit, learn new skills, learn life skills, meet new people, make life long friends and you never know you could be lucky enough and proud to represent your Country at the World Championships one day!!
Give it a go. You won't regret it