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Bamboo Club is a Excellent Club for People & Persons that come out to have a good enjoyful night out, but obviously for idiots that come out to cuase trouble & problems it is not a nice place for them to be. People who Love Music & Dancing again it's an excellent place to be & integrate with happy enjoyful people. At present there are two Great DJ's .., who play Great Dance Music, R & B Music that makes you stay on the Dance floor .., DJ Danny Subz & DJ Kev Jnr in the House .., We also have Excellent Security that makes it safe for customers. The Security are Polite but Firm & do their Job when it has to be done. We have a Great Cub Boss (Owner) & a Charming Club Manager .., who is Strict but very Fair. The Aim is to have an Excellent, Enjoyful Night that is Safe & Secure. "WELCOME TO THE BAMBOO CLUB IN HAZEL GROVE, STOCKPORT, SK7 4AZ.