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Mike James Sound Stockport

Mike James Sound

Bands in Stockport Bands in Stockport -
26 Hillcrest Road, Stockport, SK2 5QL
+44 (0)161 419 9930

The Mike James Orchestra and Singers is a vibrant, fully professional big band c...more


One For The Road Stockport

One For The Road

Bands in Stockport SK12,

1 Reviews

Fantastic band, always get the crowd going and very funny! They are always on time, very professional and tidy... more

Bands in Stockport

Bands Stockport - Welcome to the directory of Stockport bands and recommended cover bands in Stockport. It features bands in Stockport and Stockport Town Centre, and includes maps and photos of Stockport cover bands who offer live music, live music entertainment and live gigs. Find contact details and reviews of your nearest cover band or band in Stockport and add your own review. Do you want to advertise a cover band in Stockport? Advertise your live music business on the Stockport Bands Directory – IT'S FREE!

Mike James Sound Stockport

Mike James Sound

+44 (0)161 419 9930

Bands in Stockport
26 Hillcrest Road, Stockport, SK2 5QL

0 Reviews 1.43 miles